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Vol. 108 (2007): Our Past


The clergy of the Kielce diocese towards agricultural organizations and the cooperative movement at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2007-12-30


The information presented below confirms the thesis that the Catholic clergy of the Kielce diocese participated in the development of agricultural organisations. These were mainly organisations centred around the Central Agricultural Union. Although the public perception at the time was that priests had little involvement in agricultural cooperatives, the research shows that the support of the clergy was very important and effective. The results of the research show that between 1907 and 1914, 66 priests from the diocese of Kielce were involved in the creation and establishment of agricultural cooperatives,
Most of them came from the deaneries of Będzin and Miechów. This is a considerable number. Of course, the proportion of priests and the reasons for their activity varied greatly. However, there is no doubt that they were employers' organisations. Thus, the initiators of agricultural cooperatives were landowners, priests and teachers of the common schools.
Of course, not all agricultural cooperatives and organisations were equally sympathetic to the Catholic clergy. The autonomous peasant movement, which was growing rapidly and demanded the emancipation of peasants from the influence of the Church and the landlords, was a source of concern for the clergy. Among the popular movements developing in the Kingdom of Poland was the Zaranie movement (associated with the Zaranie magazine). The priests of Kielce were convinced of the need to fight this movement. Their efforts were all the more interesting as a large part of this group came from thatched cottages. As the polarisation of opinion continued, the authority of the Kielce diocese, in the person of Bishop Łoziński, was pushed into the camp of the staunch opponents of the Zarania movement. Although this forced some priests to follow Bishop Łoziński, many fought against the movement on their own initiative.
One of the most important factors in the clergy's involvement with credit companies and consumer cooperatives was to protect the people from the abuses of fences and freeloaders. At the end of the nineteenth century, 71 priests from the diocese of Kielce were involved in this activity.
The commitment of the diocesan authorities and the devotion that accompanied the establishment of these associations should be emphasised. It is also certain that the cooperation between the organisers and the participants of these associations was not always fruitful. This is particularly true of Bishop Losinski's attitude towards the cooperatives. The bishop's authoritarian tendencies did not win him many supporters, especially among the more progressive part of Polish society, but they did cause considerable controversy. There were ambivalent feelings about supporting the Catholic clergy with the slogan 'his for his'. Nevertheless, the cooperatives helped to awaken the masses of Polish society, especially the camp inhabitants, and get them into the rhythm of social work, while at the same time raising the standard of living of Polish society during the difficult period of partition.


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