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Vol. 108 (2007): Our Past


Sandomierz monastery of St Mary Magdalene in the Middle Ages

  • Dominika Burdzy
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2007-12-30


The article describes the process of founding the second monastery in Sandomierz, dedicated to St Mary Magdalene. The origins of its foundation are connected with the tragic events that took place at the turn of 1259 and 1260, when the Tartars slaughtered all the inhabitants of the town, including the Dominicans from the monastery of St Mary Magdalene.

For this reason, the Monastery of St Mary Magdalene, located within the city walls, was originally conceived as a refuge for the monks of St Jacob's Monastery. When the city was founded, Duke Leszek the Black granted the Dominicans a place within the city walls (1286). Due to the lack of documents from the Polish provincial chapters of the 13th and 14th centuries, it is difficult to determine the year in which the provincial authorities decided to start work on the location of Sandomierz. However, the problem must have been taken into consideration by the General Chapter, since the superior authorities of the monastery, meeting at the Chapter of Limoges in 1334, authorised the Polish Province to found a second house in Sandomierz. As soon as the permission was granted, the construction of the monastery began. Archaeological research has shown that the Church of St Mary Magdalene in Sandomierz was built around the middle of the 14th century, while the construction of the monastery was linked to the rebuilding of the town, which had been destroyed by the Lithuanian invasion in 1349. The monastery became independent from the convent of St James and gained full authority only in 1458 by a decree of the provincial chapter meeting in Poznañ.

The fact that the monastery was placed under the patronage of St Mary Magdalene testifies to the popularity of her cult in Western Europe and the position she held among the saints of the monastery. It is difficult to say whether it was the General Chapter or the Polish provincial authorities who decided on this invocation. The inclusion of the Dominican monastery under the patronage of this patroness was undoubtedly intended to emphasise the preaching mission of the monks in the city and region of Sandomierz.


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