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Vol. 123 (2015): Our Past


The superiors of bernardine sisters' convent of St. Agnes in the 15 th -18 th century

  • Hermina Święch
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2015-06-30


The history of the Convent of St. Agnes at Stradom near Cracow reaches back to 1453 and is connected with the preaching activity of St. John Capistran, who – during his stay in Cracow – admitted a few women to the Third Order of St. Francis. They settled down in a house in front of St. Nicholas Gate (Brama Mikołajska) and started a communal life based on the rule of the Third Order approved by Pope Nicholas IV and vows of chastity and obedience they had made. Thanks to the support of the Sandomierz Castellan Jan Hincza from Rogów, a wooden convent and the church of St. Agnes were built for them in 1459. The Convent existed until 1788, when due to the dissolution the sisters were moved to the Convent of St. Joseph at Poselska Street. The community was headed by Mother Superior, whose term of office was three years. The election of the superior took place in the presence of the Bernardine Pro-vincial and the accompanying friars, most often the Stradom Convent Custodian and the sisters’ confessor. According to the resolutions of the Bernardine Chapters the election for the highest convent office was possible for a nun of a required age of forty or thirty, who had been professed at least five or eight years earlier and could not come from another convent. Bernardine sisters who spent at least three years in the convent were entitled to active voting rights. The remaining registers of the Convent of St. Agnes allow to determine the names of the superiors since 1651, when the office was taken up by Katarzyna Prudencja Maciejowska. Many names of Mothers Superior are included in financial sources, among them books in which the capital provisions were recorded. The duties of the Mother Superior were to take care of the community, to supervise the financial mat-ters, to keep the convent books, to care about the state of the convent rooms and the renovation works. Taking care of the daily matters the superiors did not forget about their main duty to cultivate devotion and monastic fervour.


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