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Vol. 122 (2014): Our Past


Zofia Łuszczkiewicz- Sister Izabella. Daughter of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul (1899-1957)

  • Józefa Wątroba
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2014-12-30


The aim of the article is to present the person of sister Zofia Izabella Łuszczkiewicz. She came from an intellectual family, associated with the Jagiellonian University. After having finished her studies at the University, she joined the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul in 1923. Her initial formation took place in Lvov and Paris. In France she also attended a high school of nursing. Upon her return to Poland, she was directed to work in the general hospital in Lvov. She worked there as a nurse and later as the headmistress of the school of nursing and teacher of vocational subjects. She took care of the high level of the institution by maintaining contact with many centres of nursing in Europe. In the spring of 1939 she went to New York as a participant of academic exchange. Shortly before the breakout of World War II she returned to Lvov. Being sought by the NKVD, she went to Cracow in a disguise of a servant and later to Zebrzydowice, where she was engaged in helping civilians as well as in fight for independence. She took active part in saving people of Jewish origin. Nearing the end of the occupation, she worked as a nurse in hospital in Rzeszów. Cooperating with trusted doctors, she undertook aid actions for partisans. She assisted the charity activity of the international organisation UNRRA as an interpreter of English. In 1947 she returned to Zebrzydowice. She was arrested by the Security Service in Wadowice, on August 27, 1948. For a long time her place of residence was unknown. After a two-year investigation, she was initially sentenced to death, later changed to a 15-year prison sentence. Despite being beaten and maltreated, she remained unbroken until the end. In June 1956 she was released for a six-month health leave. In December 1956 – thanks to the efforts of her family – she was fully released. However, she was devastated by illness and despite efforts she could not be saved. She died on August 8, 1957. She was buried in the tomb of Daughters of Charity at the Rakowice Cemetery.


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