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Vol. 139 (2023): Our Past


The Organisational Reform of the Trzebnica Cistercian Abbey in the Light of the Monastic Law in the 17th century.

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Published: 2023-06-30


Organisational changes in the Trzebnica Cistercian abbey in the 17th century were forced by the reform of the Council of Trent. The aim of the renovation proposed by General Abbot Edmund of the Cross in 1601 was to bind the female monasteries more closely with the Cistercian Order by exposing the nuns to the control of male authorities and rebuilding the monastic enclosure. Silesian monasteries joined this efforts in the second decade of this century, and fully after the Thirty Years' War. The Legislation of the Silesian Province, which had been established in 1651 and included the Abbey of St. Bartholomew, underwent a certain evolution. According to the original ordinances, the provincial superior, the Vicar General and the visiters delegated by him were fully responsible for the state of observation in the Cistercian community. According to the law, the abbot of Lubiąż monastery, Arnold Freiberger, as the Vicar General and at the same time the "Pater immediatus" of the Trzebnica nuns, obliged them to introduce a number of disciplinary and organisational changes. Among them he forced the nuns to accept the ministry of Cistercian priests. Over the next decade, the superior sought to consolidate the function of the "Direct Abbot", which was to constitute a certain intermediate level between the provincial authorities and the abbes of the Trzebnica monastery, that was contrary to the spirit of the reform. The next impuls for changes was given by the bull "In suprema" issued by Alexander VII in 1666, but it did not stop this process of particularisation of the reforms, which led to the strengthening of the authority of the Lubiąż abbot over the Cistercians in the Silesian province.


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