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Vol. 20 (1964): Our Past


The arrival of the Jesuits in Poland

  • Jan Korewa
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1964-12-30


The superiors of the Society of Jesus showed their interest in Poland during the festive season of 1549, when two Jesuits had to be sent there as companions of the apostolic nuncio. The establishment of a college in Vienna did much to increase this interest. This was the starting point for the first initiative to found colleges in Poland. The first negotiations by Cardinal Hosius through Martin Kromer, the future Bishop of Warmia, in 1554-1555 were unsuccessful because the two parties did not yet know each other well enough. The all too short stay (September-December 1555) of Salmeron, the nuncio's companion in Poland, could not achieve anything. The arrival of another Jesuit, Peter Canisius (September 1558-February 1559), was the starting point for negotiations with the Archbishop Primate, John Przerembski. The aim of these negotiations was to establish colleges in Gniezno and Łowicz, but they were also unsuccessful. It was the influence of the college in Vienna that was most effective in opening the door for the Jesuits in Poland. Before the arrival of St Stanislaus Kostka, this college already had 70% Polish boarders. The return of Hosius after the Council of Trent, the stay in Poland of Jean-Francois Commendone, who was a firm supporter of the foundation of Jesuit colleges, had a profound influence on the Leinez generation. He decided to send the first team of Jesuits to Warmia, which arrived in two groups on 1 and 2 November 1564.


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