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Vol. 44 (1975): Our Past


Publishing activity of the Diocese of Katowice in the first fifty years of its existence

  • Irena Mierzwa
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1975-12-30


The subject of this article is the history of the publishing house established in Katowice as the Catholic Bookshop, later transformed into the Catholic Bookshop and Printing House, and after the Second World War into the St. Jack's Bookshop. The legacy of Blessed Jan Sarkander in Cieszyn, which was founded much earlier (1873) and operated as an association independent of the diocese until 1934, was considered only in terms of its connection with the diocese, which resulted in a part of its publishing legacy being taken over by St. Jack's Bookshop. The emphasis was on compact publications.


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