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Vol. 43 (1975): Our Past


The Collegiate Chapter of Brzozów (1724-1788)

  • Jan Rąb
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1975-06-30


Brzozow, a county town in the province of Rzeszow, played an important role in the ecclesiastical life of the Przemyśl diocese for four centuries - from the end of the 14th century to the time of the Partition of Poland. Since 1384 Brzozow had been the property of the Przemyśl diocese, the bishops had their out-of-town residence there, ran a second bishop's chancery, held episcopal courts and conferences of deans, and in 1723 held a synod there. Brzozow was the seat of an archdeaconry and an office. Bishop Krzysztof Jan Szembek established there the second collegiate chapter in the diocese. The purpose of this article is to present the history of the collegiate church and chapter in Brzozow in the 18th century.


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