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Vol. 55 (1981): Our Past


Outpatient care of the sick and the poor of the Sisters of St Elisabeth in Poland in the years 1914-1978

  • Teodozja Zipzer
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1981-06-30


This article covers the charitable activities of the Polish Elisabeth Sisters chronologically in several periods: World War I 1914-1918, interwar years 1919-1938, World War II 1939-1945, post-war period in the Polish People's Republic 1946-1960, years of relative stability 1961-1978, i.e. until present. From the beginning of their existence, through periods of difficult experiences and life cataclysms, especially the last two world wars, until modern times, the Sisters have always generously served those suffering and in need. They helped the poorest, deprived of both social and health care, lonely and abandoned people, the sick and those who had long passed retirement age, large families and orphaned children, and all those in need.


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