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Vol. 57 (1982): Our Past


The beginnings of the church and parish of St. Adalbert in Kielce

  • Eugeniusz Wiśniowski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1982-06-30


The earliest known information about the church and parish of St. Adalbert in Kielce come from the 15th century and were authored by Jan Długosz. The chronicler provided them somewhat incidentally, in the margin of the description of the Kielce collegiate church's remuneration. Foundation of the church of St. Adalbert probably took place at the turn of the 11th and 12th centuries. It was the oldest temple on the southwestern slopes of the Łysogóry Mountains, which in an organized and systematic way carried out the difficult work of consolidating Christianity, which had recently been officially adopted, in society.


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