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Vol. 58 (1982): Our Past


Letters from Rome

  • Władysław Semkowicz
  • Jadwiga Semkowiczowa
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1982-12-30


Władysław Semkowicz, young doctor of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lviv, student of prof. Father Balzer, who lectured on Polish constitutional law and was also preparing for the last exams in history and geography at the Faculty of Philosophy, went to Rome in 1902/3 as a scholarship holder of the Academy of Learning. The author quotes the most important extracts from Władysław's letters written during his stay in the capital of Italy in the form of a diary to his father, Aleksander Semkowicz, a professor at the University and director of the University Library in Lviv, and to his fiancée.


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