One hundred years of Christian archeology in Krakow is an opportunity to celebrate the legacy of outstanding scientists such as Fr. Tadeusz Kruszyński, who contributed to the development of this discipline at the Jagiellonian University. Since the founding of the Department of Archeology in 1866 under the supervision of prof. Józef Łepkowski, Christian antiquity became an important element of the university lecture program. Thanks to initiatives such as sending theology students to study in Rome, Krakow has gained a strong staff of lecturers in this field, including Fr. Józef Biiczewski and Fr. Jan Fijałek. Fr. Biiczewski, who continued the work of outstanding Roman archaeologists, played an important role in disseminating knowledge about Christian antiquity in Poland. Fr. Tadeusz Kruszyński, despite the difficulties in obtaining a chair, devoted his life to teaching and research in the field of Christian art and archaeology. Nowadays, Christian archeology is continued at the Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Krakow, inheriting a rich tradition and under papal care to ensure full education in this field.