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Vol. 60 (1983): Our Past


The Saxon times in the Carpathian estate of the Małachowski family

  • Edward Wojtusiak
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1983-12-30


The author of the study describes the socio-economic conditions of the village of Dobra, which belonged to the Małachowski family in the years 1696-1763. The subject of historical and sociological analysis are the conflicts that broke out between the owners of this estate (or rather their managers), the local priest and the peasants. The peasants were harmed not so much by the owners themselves, but by dishonest managers, their commissioners, administrators and tenants. The subject of the dispute between the priest and the peasants, and even the latter's rebellion, was the injustice that the money collected by the priest represented in their eyes. In two instances, the church court issued a verdict in favor of the peasants and the priest was dismissed from his functions and transferred elsewhere. In Dobra, apart from disputes between peasants, administrators and the priest, there were also trials between peasants. The demographic development of the village and the resulting fragmentation of land worsened the financial situation of the inhabitants of Dobra. In 1792, the owner of Dobra, Stanisław Małachowski, transformed the former serfdom into a fee, which slightly improved the socio-economic conditions in these lands.


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