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Vol. 61 (1984): Our Past


Women's monastic schools in Galicia in the years 1867-1914

  • Bogusława Czajecka
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1984-06-30


The article does not pretend to present a global view of the development of girls' schools run by nuns in Galicia. Due to the richness and complexity of the topic, it is limited to a broad approach. It includes seven parts: 1) elementary and general education in religious institutions in Galicia from January 1867 to 1914, 2) vocational schools, 3) secondary schools, 4) curricula, 5) teaching staff, 6) students, 7) schools combined The period of autonomy is characterized by intensive development of social and political life. Clear changes are also noticeable in the academic sphere. It should be noted that the development of religious institutions - both in primary and secondary education - was closely related to the general educational situation in Galicia. During this period, the number of secondary schools run by nuns increased significantly. Indeed, of the 79 existing school districts, they were present in 36. And the territorial development of schools indicates the advantage of Krakow, which is favored by the climate of the city's spiritual, intellectual and cultural fervor. However, this development was hampered by difficult relations between nationalities and different rituals in Lviv. The cooperation of three rites: Roman Catholic, Greek and Armenian required mutual concessions at the hierarchical level, also in the field of education. The end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th was a period of great activity of social movements, movements with which religious educational institutions were closely associated in the implementation1 of their spiritual ideals in the field of teaching and upbringing.


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