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Vol. 64 (1985): Our Past


The sacral architecture of Adam Ballenstedt (1923-1931)

  • Zbigniew Sroka
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1985-12-30


The interwar period (1918-1939) was an important period in the history of sacred architecture in Poland, characterized by theoretical research and the introduction of a new form into cult architecture, derived from avant-garde trends in secular architecture. The search for a new form appeared in nationwide architectural competitions and in the work of architects-innovators. The pioneers in the field of modern architecture were mainly younger architects educated in independent Poland, but there are also architects of the middle generation among them. The latter includes the Poznań architect Adam Ballenstedt (188–1942). This work discusses A. Ballenstedt's churches planned in the years 1923–1931 (except for the church of St. Vincent de Paul in Bydgoszcz - an article about this church was already published in "Nasza Przeszłość" in Vol. 53: 1980). A chronological review of the architecture of these churches shows A. Ballenstedt's gradual transition from traditionalism to a modern form, his evolution from patterns taken from historical architecture to architecture created in the circle of the Polish avant-garde. The parish church in Puszczykowo near Poznań from 1923 is a very simple building to which the architect added baroque and classicist elements and details. The small chapel of the Sisters of Charity in Poznań, built in 1924, represents classicism on the outside and neo-baroque on the inside. It is an example of using the manor style for religious purposes. The parish church in Janków Przygodzki from 1925, with some modifications, imitated the architecture of the church of St. Vincent de Paul in Bydgoszcz. Their form is basically borrowed from one historical style - baroque. Elements of avant-garde architecture appear in the church of St. Anthony in Chorzów and in the project of the Church of Divine Providence in Warsaw. An example is the church in Chorzów from 1930, with a maximally simplified form due to the composition of its structure and visible inspirations from Gothic or Gothic expressionism. The design of the Warsaw Church meets the requirements of functionalism to some extent, but is supplemented with historicizing elements on the facade and interior. Ballenstedt, introducing a modern form into sacred architecture, showed hesitation: he did not reach the stage of "pure" functionalism, but rather tried to reconcile historicism with avant-garde forms. From the point of view of the latest religious architecture, A. Ballenstedt's work, like other pioneering architects of the interwar period, seems to be a thing of the past. However, it can be seen as an important transitional stage from long-standing historicism to modern design forms.


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