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Vol. 97 (2002): Our Past


Some remarks on the sacral function of bells in the Middle Ages

  • Waldermar Rozynkowski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2002-06-30


Bells have been an important element of community life for centuries, and their symbolic meaning is well documented. In the Middle Ages, bells performed various sacred functions, being an integral part of the liturgical action of the Church. The history of bells begins in antiquity, and their presence in Europe dates back to the 6th and 7th centuries. The bells gained names, which gave them symbolic meaning. In Poland, the first bells appeared after the introduction of Christianity, although the oldest preserved ones date back to the 14th century due to war looting. The sacred functions of bells in the Middle Ages included, among others: ringing the bell during mass, announcing holidays, carrying the sacrament, praying the Angelus, and participating in funerals. The bells also called for prayers for peace and accompanied pilgrims. In the celebration of the jubilee of the Holy Year 1500, bells played a special role, and the creation of a bell such as Tuba Dei in Toruń was a recognition of this event. Bell towers, especially in the form of towers, also had deep symbolism, identified with the Virgin Mary and the Church, and compared to preachers. The analysis of the functions of sacred bells in the Middle Ages shows their significant impact on the sacred space and the spiritual life of the community of that period. This topic requires further research, especially in the context of the declining presence of bells in today's soundscape.


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