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Vol. 71 (1989): Our Past


Gothic Hodegetria in the Krakow church of St Mark

  • Barbara Miodońska
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1989-06-30


Restoration and conservation works carried out in the church of St Mark in Krakow from 1968 led in 1981 to the discovery of a Gothic painting depicting the Virgin Mary with Child of the iconographic type of Hodegetria called Piekarska. This image was not recorded in the second volume of the Catalog of Art Monuments in Poland, published in 1978, devoted to the churches of Śródmieście in Kraków. The painting, freed from three layers of paint, dating from the 18th, 19th and 19th centuries, shows Mary holding the Child on her left arm, her right hand directed towards Him with fingers spread in a gesture of offering and prayer. The Child raises his right hand in a gesture of blessing and rests his left hand on the Gospel book. The type of Madonna, called Piekarska, was very popular from the second quarter of the 15th century in southern Poland, known simultaneously in Silesia and the Czech Republic, and a little later also in central Poland. Its iconographic and formal prototype is the religious culture of the Orthodox Church and Byzantine art. Painting of the church of St. In terms of technical, formal and stylistic features, the brand presents features typical of the Krakow school. The painting was probably created between 1450 and 1460, as a continuation of an older painting tradition. Its prototype in the field of composition comes from the religious and artistic culture of the Eastern Church.


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