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Vol. 71 (1989): Our Past


An outline of the history and content of the archives of the church of St Mark in Krakow

  • Rita Majkowska
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1989-06-30


History of the archives of the church of St Mark's Church in Krakow are closely related to the rich history of this old temple and its turbulent past. The church was founded by Bolesław the Chaste and located at the corner of Sławkowska and Rogacka streets (today St. Mark's), for the order of Canons Regular of the Blessed Martyrs of Penance, later called the Rogues or Marks, brought by the prince in 1257. The early history of the church, and with it the archive, was marked by subsequent fires (1494, 1528, 1544, 1589, 1724), which often haunted the city, destroying historic buildings and with them all traces of the past. The church and monastery buildings were raised from the ruins and given new shapes (after the fire of 1589, the church was thoroughly renovated and re-consecrated), while documents and archives were lost, unfortunately, irretrievably. In a brief overview of the contents of the archives of the church of St Mark in Krakow, it is impossible to present the richness and diversity of the material found there. To emphasize this diversity, it is necessary to mention those files that have no direct connection with the complex of the House of Retired Priests and the church of St Mark's Church, and they got here most often because of the various functions performed by rectors priests. Together with Fr. Walenty Janikowski came here with the files of the church of St. Cross; together with Fr. Ludwik Jurgowski, files of the Ludwika Wężykowa foundation and the Hallerowska foundation, and with Fr. Aleksander Obrubański, files of the Strzelce Wielkie parish. Only the final organization of the archives of the Church of St. Marking and preparing a detailed inventory will allow you to use these interesting archival materials.


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