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Vol. 74 (1990): Our Past


The social and charitable activities of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Name of Jesus in the years 1887-1946

  • Krystyna Trela
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1990-12-30


The activities of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Name of Jesus, founded in 1887 by Honorat Koźmiński, in cooperation with Maria Franciszka Witkowska, were aimed at renewing the religious and moral life of craftswomen and educating children and youth in the spirit of Christian morality. In the years 1887-1946 it developed in three directions: social and charitable, educational and educational. Until World War I, the most characteristic form of this activity were trade teaching workshops, then in the interwar period the sisters ran various vocational and technical schools, courses, boarding schools and homes for students. During World War II and immediately after it, they worked in kitchens and orphanages. The congregation was one of the initiators of the Association of Christian Craftsmen "Dźwignia", established in 1906 in Warsaw - it was in fact a kind of women's union of craftsmen. The association established various vocational workshops, ran employment offices, mutual societies and savings banks, organized legal and medical assistance, vocational training courses, holiday homes, guesthouses and kindergartens. The sisters provided help and care to the sick, elderly, sick and unemployed. During World War II, it helped soldiers, members of the resistance movement, Warsaw insurgents, people at risk of arrest and Jews.


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