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Vol. 76 (1991): Our Past


Lower cathedral clergy in mediaeval Poland. Vicars of the Płock cathedral in the 13th - mid-15th centuries. Part 1. Staff composition

  • Andrzej Radzimiński
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1991-12-30


Prosopographic research on the lower clergy of cathedrals did not arouse much interest among historians until nowadays. Establishing a list of the names of the vicars of the Płock cathedral, taking into account their social and territorial origin, studies and education, as well as their ecclesiastical careers, allowed the author to complete his earlier studies on the high clergy of the Płock chapter, i.e. prelates and canons. Between the 13th century and the mid-15th century, the vicars of the Płock cathedral numbered 74 people. The first known vicar, whose name appears in documents from 1289, was Jakub, deputy prelate-custos. This function was performed by the prelates' assistants - there were two in the Płock cathedral: a vice-dean and an assistant custodian. There were also cases of accumulation of lifetime vicariates and canons of Płock. Currently, since the 13th century, we can identify 6 deputy deans and 8 assistant custodians. Out of 74 Płock vicars, only 10 were admitted to the order. Most of them were of noble origin; and only vicars of noble families achieved a career in the chapter. The article contains 75 short biographies presenting the careers and activities of Płock vicars both in the city and outside it.


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