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Vol. 76 (1991): Our Past


The Christian idea of kingship in Poland in the 14th and 15th centuries

  • Grzegorz Ryś
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1991-12-30


The basic concepts and features of the medieval concept of a Christian ruler were created in the times of the exemplary ruler Charlemagne (some of them were created earlier, in the times of the Merovingians). The concept called "Carolingian" or "Carolingian-Ottoman" closely linked royal power with the sphere of the Sacred. Centered on Christ as the Divine Ruler, he derived from Him the sacred character of power and its place, as well as the church prerogatives received with the king's anointing during the coronation. Such a strictly sacred treatment of royal power, according to the oldest sources, came to Poland with the crown in the first half of the 11th century. However, it did not take root due to the short period of existence of the first monarchy. During the period of feudal partitions, the idea of ​​connecting the ruler with the Sacred was not completely abandoned. The Carolingian-Ottonian ideology was used again after the revival of the monarchy in the 14th and 15th centuries, and an attempt was made to create dynastic cults, among others. around the person of "blessed" Bolesław the Brave. The king in the restored monarchy - which was a class monarchy - did not have the same position as in Bolesław's times. The nobility increased its influence on governance in the country (including voting rights), and the concept of Corona Regni, separating royal rights from crown rights, became the ruling law and model of government in Poland. The changes resulted in a fundamental modification of the Carolingian idea: the character of the Sacrum was given to the institution of the monarchy, and not to its depositary.


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