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Vol. 76 (1991): Our Past


The cooperation of Italian lawyers with Paweł Włodkowic in the Polish Teutonic trial in Rome in 1420-1421

  • Krzysztof Ożóg
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1991-12-30


Polish diplomats could use the services of several famous Italian lawyers during the trial against the Teutonic Knights, which took place in Rome in 1420-1421. It was Paweł Włodkowic who directed the steps taken by Poles from the Roman curia. He obtained a favorable opinion from Italian lawyers who approved of Poland's position in the dispute between it and the Teutonic Order. Among these lawyers, at the end of 1420, Dominic of San Gemignano, John Mills, Gaspar of Perugia and Paul de Castro developed independent opinions. Then, on March 4, 1421, the college of law professors of the University of Padua issued its fifth opinion. These outstanding lawyers working for Włodkowic were authorities at the largest universities in Italy and Rome. The Italians used roughly similar arguments in their opinions, emphasizing the invalidity of the judgment of Sigismund of Luxembourg from 1420. At the same time, they noted that the judgments of the papal courts from 1321 and 1334 remained in force, while the judgments of the arbitration proceedings from 1335 and 1412 lost their value, similarly such as the transfer of lands of Polish kings made to the Teutonic Knights. Most of the legal and historical arguments were passed on to Italian lawyers by Paweł Włodkowic. He hoped to win the case against the Teutonic Order thanks to the support of Italian specialists. Władysław Jagiełło also attached great importance to the opinions of Italian scholars, because after referring to their authority, he turned to Pope Martin V with a request to approve and execute the judgment of 1330.


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