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Vol. 76 (1991): Our Past


The position of the Roman Curia towards the Jagiellonian expectation for the Czech throne after George of Poděbrady

  • Krzysztof Baczkowski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1991-12-30


The author deals with the position of the Roman Curia regarding the inheritance of the Jagiellonian rights to the Czech throne during the conflict between the papacy and George of Poděbrady in 1462-1471. The reign of the "Hussite king" of Bohemia, George of Poděbrady, initially accepted not only by neighboring countries but also by the Holy See, which closely guarded religious loyalty, was a unique phenomenon in late medieval Europe. Over time, however, it became increasingly clear that the contradictions between the unification aspirations of the Church and Rome and the tendency of the Czechs to maintain the independence guaranteed by the Basel Compacts were too strong for conflict-free coexistence to be lasting. The differences grew gradually and over time turned into an open political and religious conflict in which the Czech neighbors were also involved. It fulfilled the final period of George's rule.


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