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Vol. 79 (1993): Our Past


The Collegiate School of St Florian in Kleparz in Krakow in the first half of the 16th century in the light of the Krakow archdiocesan archives

  • Wacław Urban
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1993-06-30


The Collegiate School of St Florian in Kleparz in Kraków was an important educational institution in the first half of the 16th century, according to the analysis of the archdiocesan archive. This school benefited from the patronage of both the collegiate church and the University of Krakow, which proves its prestige and connections with the city's intellectual elites. Its rectors had academic titles, and the school building, called "Lubranka", was a place of study and housing for university students. This school existed since 1422 and had a solid organizational structure and its own regulations. Foundations for the school contributed to the expansion of its infrastructure, which also served as a dormitory for students. Rectors and cantors received salaries and food benefits, which proves their importance in the society of that time. The analysis of data from this period allows us to assume that the school's students were recruited mainly from among the townspeople, both from Kraków and other towns in Lesser Poland. Among the students mentioned in the files, a significant number were also sons of the nobility, especially from Masovia. Little is known about the content of teaching, but it is assumed that the standard of education was high. Saint Florian's School in Kleparz was therefore an important educational center in Krakow, although it was not comparable to cathedral or collegiate schools. However, her role and importance in the Krakow community were significant, which is confirmed by numerous documents and foundations on her behalf.


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