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Vol. 81 (1994): Our Past


Losses of the Catholic Church in the south-west part of the Archdiocese of Vilnius 1939-1944

  • Wojciech Wysocki
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1994-06-30


The article concerns Catholics from the south-west part of the Vilnius Archdiocese during the war. The church suffered losses in the part that remained in Poland after 1945 and had 55 parishes, 2 priests died during the war, and during the occupation 7 priests and a theology student, including 3 murdered by the Soviets, the remaining 4 as victims of German policy extermination. 12 priests passed through prisons and concentration camps, including 4 Soviet and 8 German. The greatest damage to church buildings and church property was caused by the fighting in 1941 and 1944. In 1941, the church and chapel burned down, and several others suffered as a result of bombing and artillery fire. In 1944, the Germans blew up eight churches, two of them survived destruction. More than ten churches were seriously damaged and two burned down. War activities and the period of occupation had a severe impact on the property of parishes, monasteries and institutions related to them. This often meant irreversible losses.


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