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Vol. 83 (1995): Our Past


Cistercian music culture in Poland from the Middle Ages to Baroque

  • Tadeusz Maciejewski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1995-06-30


The aim of the article is to expand the scope of Cistercian studies to include the subject of Cistercian music. The contribution of the Order to the development of music in Poland has not yet been the subject of a fully comprehensive study. The research focused rather on theoretical issues related to the Cistercian monody and its reform. Because Polish Cistercian monasteries had appropriately staffed scriptoria, the number of preserved manuscripts is surprisingly large (160 in total, including a large part of liturgical and musical material). The relative abundance of source material made it possible to conduct analyses. The 17th and 18th centuries (i.e. until the dissolution of the monasteries at the beginning of the 19th century) were a period of flowering of vocal and instrumental music. Outstanding composers associated with the Cistercians included J. Nucius, S. S. Szarzyński, U. Müller, J. Pardecki, and L. Wiecki. The general musical achievements of the Cistercians and the achievements of Cistercian organ builders require even closer research. This article, based on the literature on the subject and the author's own research, is intended to both summarize what we know about the Cistercian musical culture and provide an introduction to further research.


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