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Vol. 87 (1997): Our Past


Neo-Gothic churches of Ksawery Dionizy Drozdowski

  • Jóżef Żywicki
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1997-06-30


The rich heritage of 19th and post-19th century medieval revival architecture has for some time now become the object of serious attention. Yet only few of the notable churches from that tradition have been thoroughly studied or acclaimed beyond the borders of their neighbourhood or diocese. They were usually designed and built by provincial architects, whose life and work has yet to be researched by historians of architecture. Ksawery Dionizy Drozdowski, whose active years spanned the end of the 19th and the first three decades of the 20th century, held the post of assistant to the general architect of the Province of Lublin (when it was still part of the Russian Empire). He designed the neo-Gothic churches at Gościeradów, Mełgwia and Wąwolnica. This article presents a description and a history of each of them as well as a handful of biographical information about Drozdowski; it is a study case which reflects the condition and prevailing tendencies in the Polish church architecture at the beginning of the 20th century.


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