Poland as "Antemurale" and " Homeland of Saints". Theme of "bulwark" in the "New Athens" by Benedict Chmielowski 185-199 Wojciech Paszyński
Polemika ks. Marcina Smigleckiego T. J. z innowiercami o powołaniu ministrów 323-356 Kazimierz Drzymała
Polish Cistercians and the fate of their patrimonium until today. The outline of the problem 13-34 Andrzej M. Wyrwa
Political and Church carees of bishops Wojciech and Jerzy Radziwiłł - the Coryphaei of the beginning and the end of the 16th century - an outline 4-20 Wioletta Pawlikowska-Butterwick
Polskie kaznodziejstwo i katechizacja we wrocławskiej diecezji w czasach pruskich 123-186 Wincenty Urban