The exclusion from a succession is the result of certain acts in the civil law, including court judgements, like the one admitting the successor unworthy of succession (Art. 928 of the Civil Code), or the judgement excluding the testator's spouse from statutory succession according to the Art. 940 of the Civil Code as well as successor's declaration to reject a succession (Art. 1020 of the Civil code) and the contract of relinquishment of a succession concluded between the statutory successor and the testator (Art. 1049 of the Civil code). In most cases admissibility of partial exclusion from a succession has not been included in the Civil Code so far. According to their nature some statements like court judgements cannot result in partial exclusion from a succession. In other cases admissibility of successor's or successor's and testator's impact on the range of legal effects with regard to succession (legal effects of succession) depends on legislative act (Art. 1014 and 1022 of the Civil code). Since proper regulations are lacking many doubts arises both from theoretical and practical pint of view like in case of the contract of relinquishment of a succession (Art. 1049 of the Civil code).