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Tom 25 Nr 2 (2017)

Historia Kościoła

Fundacja i funkcjonowanie wrocławskiego sierocińca Matki Boskiej Bolesnej do roku 1815

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Opublikowane: 15.01.2019


The orphanage was founded in 1698 by a group of nobles connected with the General Vicar in Wrocław. The institution was aimed to take care after boys from burgher families of protestant confession. The first superior, Friedrich Hemigsohn von Göe from Jesuit community built a proper house, which was placed in the Szewska Street (now the Uniwersytecki Square, 15). The orphanage was given a name and organised by Jesuit workers in the period 1706-1731, when the General Vicar signed on the charter document. In this period they accepted children under 15 of both sexes, boys took their basic education in burgher jobs and girls in home service. The superior was responsible for general state of the institution to the bishop. Besides, several officials used to serve in the ophanage. At the beginnig the institution could function due to private pays. The first important bequest was signed by the bishop Franz Ludwig before 1732 and then by the noble woman, Maria Anna von Wesch in 1754. Thanks to those pays the orphanage delivered a care on high level so that it developed into some kind of educational institution for catholic children from the Wrocław diocese.


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