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Vol. 26 No. 2 (2018)

Biblical theology and biblical studies

In the Shadow of an Apple Tree and in the Clefts of the Rock. The Semiotic Reading of Song 2:3 and 2:14

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2019-05-29


This article is an analysis of the two units of the Song of Songs 2:3 and 2:14 that show the importance of a conscious choice of the Bridegroom and the Bride in shaping the relationship of love. Motives present in them, that is the shadow of an apple tree and the voice of a beloved one, have been also recalled in the last part of the book (8:5 and 8:13) and owing to that we can observe the transformation and maturation of the couple, a kind of a new birth, the fullness of life experienced by them and their love being spread among others. The structural semiotics method indicated in the Pontifical Biblical Commission’s document Interpretation of the Bible in the Church was used in order to extract the depth of experience and the transformation of the characters, as well as to show causes of the events.


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