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Vol. 28 No. 1 (2020)

Biblical Studies

Hermeneutical Introduction to Allegoriae in universam Sacram Scripturam by Pseudo-Garnier of Langres: Critical Edition, Polish and English Translations

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Published: 2020-06-29


The article contains a critical edition with Polish and English translations of the hermeneutic introduction into the medieval glossary of the biblical symbols Allegoriae in universam Sacram Scripturam by Pseudo-Garnier of Langres. A discussion on the assumed symbolic-allegorical interpretation of the Bible that emerge from the text preceded the critical edition and translations.


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Alain of Lille, Sermones, [in:] Patrologia Latina 210, pp. 197–228.

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Garnier of Langres (Pseudo), Allegoriae in universam Sacram Scripturam, [in:] Patrologia Latina 112, pp. 849–1088. Reprint [of:] G. Colvenerius, Hrabani Mauri opera quae reperi potuerunt omnia in sex tomos distincta, Köln 1626, vol. 5, pp. 749–823; Italian translation: Rabano Mauro (pseudo), Allegorie sulla Scrittura, transl. by P.G. di Domenico, Citta’ del Vaticano 2002; English translation: Anonymous, Allegories in All Holy Scripture, transl. by P. Throop, Charlotte, Vermont 2009.

Gregory the Great, Homiliae in Ezechielem, [in:] Patrologia Latina 76, pp. 785–939.

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