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Vol. 28 No. 2 (2020)

Theology of spirituality

Contemporary Pastoral Considerations Towards Marriage and Family

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2020-12-04


Since the convocation of the third extraordinary synod, the reflection on the pastoral service of marriage and the family has been dominated by the issue of the Eucharistic Communion for the divorced people who have remarried. It has been going on for over six years. Although this is a very serious doctrinal issue, it cannot overshadow other important problems and challenges related to the new pastoral situations. There is a need to overcome this deadlock. All the more so that the discussions are fuelled rather by journalists or certain circles trying to impose their own narrative on priests. Meanwhile, the objectification of God and human being deepened, and consequently followed the depersonalization of the relationship with God and the relationship in the body, and the desacralisation of the institution of marriage. Negative ideas have their negative consequences against which one must save the family with “the Church’s powers”, that is shaping family life in the perspective of faith, and thus in the sacramental and Eucharistic key. At the same time it is necessary to explore the theological truth about relationships in the body and explain the meaning of the sacramental life in marriage. The apostolate of lay people, understood not as aid for the clergy but as a proper marriage and family commitment to the service of the Gospel, is an irreplaceable factor here.


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