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Vol. 23 No. 2 (2015)

Biblical theology

The Crucified Messiah

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2019-12-03


The author in the present article tries to describe the mystery of the Crucified Messiah. He tries to answer on the answers: Is the idea of the Crucified Messiah present already in the Old Testament? What was the importance of the Cross of Christ for Jews, Gentiles and Christians? How did communities of the early Church welcome the fact of Christ’s death on the cross? What was the evolution of the Kerygma in early Christianity in which Paschal events were of decisive importance? What is the proclamation of the Cross addressed to the modern Church and the world? The article consist on two parts. In the first one the author shows the mystery of Crucified Messiah in the context of Old Testament Scriptures. In the second he analyses different attitudes (Jews, Gentiles, Gnostics, Christians) to the cross and to the Crucified Messiah.


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