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Vol. 22 No. 1 (2014)


Conception of womanhood of Simone de Beauvoir and Paul Evdokimov

  • Krystyna Jaskulska-Tomala
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2019-12-20


This essay exposes two different conceptions of womanhood – in context of genderism. S. de Beauvoir, a French existentialist philosopher and one of the most significant figures of phenomenology and feminism of the twentieth century, uses the term ‘Second Sex’ to describe women, because she believes (them) women to be „subjugated” by their biology and „oppressed” by society. She postulates for liberation of women from the yoke of maternity and marriage. This picture shows an unhappy, reduced woman. Paul Evdokimov, a modern orthodox philosopher and theologian, warns about dangers of relentless and fierce fighting for equality postulated by feminists. He presents a complete different vision of womanhood. The destiny of woman is „being”, not „acting”. He emphasizes the ministry of woman and her contribution to the salvation of the world. His demonstrates an image of a fulfilled woman, living in harmony with woman’s God given nature.


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