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Vol. 29 No. 1 (2021)

Biblical Studies

Psalter and Prayer

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2021-06-05


Over twenty-five years the paradigm of the study of the psalms has changed: we have evolved from the study of individual compositions considered in isolation to the study of the Psalter as a book. The new perspective (called “holistic” or “canonical”) cannot be confined to university classrooms but can find its way to the practice of prayer, in particular in the Liturgy of the Hours. It is proposed to pray the psalms in their order, thus retracing the arrangement of the Psalter: from lamentation to praise, from supplication to thanksgiving, from the kingship of David to the kingship of God. It is also proposed to rediscover the three characteristics of the psalms: poetry, prayer and song. Singing, the use of voice, engages the body in prayer; it highlights not only the character of the human response to God’s call, but also the anthropological participation in the salvific event. The poetic word – prayed and sung – becomes a participant in the prerogatives of the divine Word. Finally, a few contiguous psalms are examined: Ps 120–124, Ps 111–112, and Ps 150 which closes the Psalter.


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