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Vol. 30 No. 1 (2022)

Pastoral theology

Integrity of the Celebration of Sacrifice and the Banquet in the Aspect of the Ministerial Fruit of the Holy Mass

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Published: 2022-07-26


The theological integrity of the Sacrifice and the Banquet celebrated in the Sacrament of the Most Holy Eucharist, namely the necessity to consecrate and consume both species by the priest who celebrates the Eucharistic sacrifice, is also related to the ministerial fruit of the Holy Mass. This is not only a theological question, but it also translates into canon law which clarifies what is the matter of the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. The Council of Trent adopted the teaching of St. Thomas about the “concomitance” of the Lord’s body in consecrated wine and the Lord’s blood in consecrated bread. For this reason, Holy Communion is possible under one of the species; however, not for the priest celebrating the Sacrifice of the Holy Eucharist. This is related to Aquinas’s teaching about the perfect sacrifice made by a priest. The question then arises of priests who, because of illness, cannot assume one of the consecrated species: consecrated bread or consecrated wine. In response to this problem, the Holy See has issued regulations which, under certain conditions, enable priests suffering from illness to celebrate the Eucharist on low-gluten bread or on must. This possibility brings with it further difficulties concerning the integrity of the Banquet and Sacrifice in the context of the Eucharist being celebrated by a priest who has not consumed both consecrated species. Apossible solution was presented in the article by Father Gianfranco Ghirlanda. He believes that it would be possible for the priest to consume one species and the faithful who take part in the Eucharist, the other, since they all participate in the common priesthood. Then the author’s opinion was also presented as an attempt to discuss and show the issues that are not yet fully resolved. In the current legal regulations , the problem of the integrity of the Banquet and Sacrifice in the aspect of the “ministerial fruit” celebrated by the presbyter or bishop of the Mass has been indirectly taken into account. For this reason, the priest can celebrate the Eucharist under all conditions, after having obtained the consent of the Ordinary. This, in turn, indicates that the Holy See recommends that each case be carefully reviewed taking into consideration all issues related to the integrity of the Banquet and Sacrifice and the possibility of offering the “priestly fruit” of the celebrated Eucharist.


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