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No. 1 (2024): Consilium Iuridicum


The origins of judicial institutions in medieval Poland

  • Robert Kucharski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-07-17


The study describes in detail the development of judicial institutions of justice in the Polish lands during the tribal and feudal period of the Piast monarchy, whose origins date back to tribal times. The development of judicial institutions in Poland will be presented, considering the social peculiarities of the formation of their practice, organization and political principles. It is these disputes in the institutions and practice of Piast Poland and later the Polish nobility that should be traced to the origins of the judicial concepts and institutions we know today. The article discusses the development of courts in ancestral and tribal times, i.e. before the formal establishment of the Polish state, and in the Piast period, which was the beginning of the Polish judiciary.


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