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No. 2/19 (2023)


„The black lovers club”. The impact of language on social perception of black people with the example of opinion-forming potential of metaphors

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-12-18


The aim of this article is to explore the issue of opinion-forming potential of metaphors in the context of social perception of black people. Metaphors concerning black colour are one of the most common figures of speech that are present in statements on Afro-Americans or black immigrants from Africa arriving in Europe. Drawing on the assumption that language affects its speaker’s worldview, the authors attempt to show how ‘black metaphors’ may result in developing a negative attitude towards black people and, consequently, enhance racism. The authors refer to metaphor and cognitive processes theory as well as intercultural issues.
The authors point to the necessity of eliminating certain expressions from everyday language. Pejorative words describing the Others (e.g. ‘black metaphors’) are likely to influence children’s thinking patterns on culturally different persons.


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