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No. 11 (2017)


«What are you laughing at?» – about the specifics of creation of comic effect in Ukranian (on an example of the novel by O. Chernoguz «Aristocrat from Vapniarka»)

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2018-02-06


The phenomenon of humor can be examined at the different levels of its manifestation, both at the individual and at the universal. At the same time, the individual aspect of humor does not deny the fact of its nation color, as understanding of humorous, ridiculous, and comical is formed historically within the framework of a person‘s imagination of the concrete cultural background, world view, ideology and facts of reality which surround not only the one individual, but the group of individuals, and wider – a nation. Given article deals with linguistic analysis of specific of national humor. Marked phenomenon is regarded as individual one within the nationwide example of two closely related languages: Ukrainian and Russian, in their comparative analysis. As an concrete example of the manifestation of such national specific was taken the novel of modern Ukrainian satirist, writer O. Chornohuz. Numerous examples taken from the text (mostly stable comparisons), as well as personal observations on the colloquial speech of the Ukrainians, are described in a contrasting manner as the specific nature of Ukrainian humor. It is emphasized national identity of the Ukrainian humor, analyzes the national images involved in the creation of comic effect, characteristic for the Ukrainian laughter culture, rooted in the depth of folk art.


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