The Polish word esej comes from the English word essay and means literary sketch. The author of the essay is a person from the circle of humanities who undertakes the polemic with concrete problems, issues, track of ideologies, which for some personal reasons, I want to pay attention to. The authors mostly appear in the text by using verbs in the singular first person in the past or present tense. In his narrative he or she does not forget about the reader moving from I to we in the further parts of the text. The essayist also marks the presence of the reader in the text by using personal pronouns and possessives, and by the use of various forms of address. The sender and receiver are in mutual interaction, in which the essayist’s role rests on transmission of the subjective point of view and encouragement the reader to reflection. On the other hand the receiver’s role is the critical approach and assume an attitude to the raised issues. A very important element in the structure of every press species is title, which is designed to encourage the reader to read and summarize text. These two functions can be implemented with the use of metaphors and subtitle. Using the titles authors can play different intertextual and metatextual games with the reader. Text frames are a fundamental element of the structural integrity of the species. The beginning of the speech is the introduction of the reader to the subject of the essay, which can be expressed directly or can be clear after reading the context. The ending of the essay is a summary of considerations: thesis, punch line or polemical opinion, which does not exhaust the content of the subject, leaving space for the reader’s own conclusions. the essay is a genre of expression, in which theessay is clearly marked subjective approach to the addressed subject. Selected issue are accurately analyzed, and a final assessment is left for the recipient
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