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No. 9 (2015)


About lingual exponents of dialogueness in the press journalism from the period of the First World War (on material of the “Goniec Częstochowski”)

Published: 2015-10-01


In the article one discussed lingual exponents present dialoguenesses in the press journalism from the period And the world war on the example of the article we will live the anonymous author who appeared in 93. number of the Częstochowa (22.04.1916 years) „Messenger”. Among exponents of dialogueness one observed: we including, the personal pronoun we in number numerous in different random forms, our possessive pronoun.These exponents are lingual-stylish measures of dialogueness, and simultaneously exponents of the lingual persuasion and measures influencing on the emotional colouring of the text. The necessity of the persuasion of recipients to determined views conditioned of war, decided about the use these, and not other exponents. Dialogueness is in the situational context created by the war and in the context a social-cultural important centre to servants to the persuasion, „a tool in hands” of the persuasion.


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