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Vol. 80 (1993): Our Past


The scientific activities of Fr. Stanisław Bednarski SJ

  • Jerzy Paszenda
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1993-12-30


Father Stanisław Bednarski (1896-1942), an extremely talented and thoroughly trained historian of Polish Jesuits, was the editor of the monthly magazines "Sodalis Marianus" and "Wiara i Życie", a collaborator of "Przegląd Powszechny" and "Polish Biographical Dictionary", director of the publishing house "Wydawnictwo Apostolstwa Modlitwy". ” and an active member of several scientific societies. The war and death in the Dachau concentration camp too quickly put an end to his far-reaching scientific plans. Of particular importance in her activities are: 1. The book "The Fall and Rebirth of Jesuit Schools in Poland", Kraków 1933, which earned him a doctorate and an award from the Polish Academy of Sciences and which became a turning point in studies on the history of Polish Jesuits. The author presents an objective picture of their schools, based on a wide base of archival materials and Jesuit prints. For the first time, numerous textbooks and handwritten notes from lectures by Jesuit professors were used. 2. Creation of a scientific instrument by obtaining numerous volumes of photocopies of documents related to the activities of the Jesuits in the former Polish provinces from the Central Archives of the Order. These materials enabled his successors to continue their scientific work in the difficult post-war period. It was also made available to many lay scholars writing about the Jesuit order.


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