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Vol. 133 (2020): Nasza Przeszłość


Sources on the dissolution of monasteries in 1864 in the Central Archives of Historical Records

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2021-05-17


Dissolution of monasteries in Kingdom of Poland based on the impe-rial order of October 27 (November 8) 1864 resulted in the closure of 190 monasteries. The documentation created at that time, related to ensuring the continued exist-ence of monks and nuns, the upkeep of buildings and equipment, book collections and other assets taken over, after completion of the activities, was transferred to the regional archives and the capital Treasury Archives and Archives of Historical Records. The files remaining from the Warsaw archives after World War II, together with materials recovered in the 1960’s from the Soviet Union, are now in the Central Ar-chives of Historical Records. They are divided into following sections: Central Religious Authorities in the Kingdom of Poland, Commission of the Province of Kalisz and the Governement of the Warsaw Province, Commission of the Mazovian Province and the Governement of the Warsaw Province, Secretariat of State of the Kingdom of Poland, Organizing Committe in the Kingdom of Poland, Headquartes of Police Superintendent General in the Kingdom of Poland, Governor and Commander-in-chief of the Army in the Kingdom of Poland, Headquartes of War Commandes in the Kingdom of Poland, Carthographical Collection Central Archives of Historical Records.


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