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Vol. 131 (2019): Nasza Przeszłość


The role of Kazimiera Gruszczyńska and The Franciscan Sisters of Suffering in the care for the homeless at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2019-06-30


Warsaw at the turn of the centuries was a city full of contrasts. On the one hand, political, social and economic transformations influenced the development of the urban agglomeration, on the other, there was a growing problem that can be described as social pathologies. Certainly, the phenomenon of homelessness was one of them. In the streets of the nineteenth century capital, one could see many tramps, beggars, wanderers, drunkards, prostitutes, often children who had no roof over their heads. To interest wider circles in the fate of these poor people, their difficult situation was presented in the daily press, in the published articles and chronicles. Solutions were also sought by creating temporary shelters, organizing workplaces, cheap kitchens or tea rooms. One of the initiators of the creation of shelters for the poorest in partition-era Warsaw was the founder of the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of Suffering, Kazimiera Gruszczyńska. Thanks to her efforts, wider circles of aristocracy, social activists and government officials became interested in the fate of homeless people in Warsaw. As a result of joint actions, at the initiative of Mother Kazimiera, five poorhouses were created in the capital: in Praga, in Szeroki Dunaj, Pańska Street and Solec. In all the shelters the homeless were looked after by the Franciscan Sisters of Suffering. The work of the Franciscan Sisters of Suffering in the shelters ended with the arrival of General Iosif Vladimirowicz Hurko to Warsaw. At that time, the sisters were deprived of the opportunity to take care of the poor people, the inventory was confiscated, and the management of the facilities was taken over by the General’s wife. Overnight shelters and cheap kitchens were built for the homeless, and they were given the opportunity of undertaking small profitable jobs. In part, Albertine Brothers took care of “street people”.


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