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Vol. 131 (2019): Nasza Przeszłość


Sources for the history of the Congregation of Daughters of Divine Love in the general Archives of the Congregation in Vienna

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2019-06-30


The article presents the sources for the history of the Congregation of Daughters of Divine Love, located in the General Archives of the Congregation of Daughters of Divine Love in Vienna. In order to facilitate the understanding of the content, the introduction briefly outlines the nature, organization and activities of this religious community. Established in the second half of the 19th century, the Congregation aimed to help girls migrating from the countryside to cities in search of work and to educate children and youth in various types of schools. The activities undertaken by Daughters of Divine Love fundamentally influenced the nature of the archival documentation produced. The structure of the Congregation also influenced the type and size of the archival resources. Until 1919, that is until the establishment of the first four provinces, the Congregation was managed centrally by the superior general and her council residing at the Mother House in Vienna. As a result of division into provinces, most of the documentation remained in the provincial offices and archives. Only more selective files went to the general archive. The resources of the general archive now include both the files of the whole congregation and the files of individual provinces. The article gives a general list of files of the whole congregation and a brief description of some of the archival units included in particular groups and subgroups. Among others, the article specifies such archival materials as: general chronicles, Statutes, Rules, Constitutions and documentation related to their development and approval. It also analyses the material concerning the members of the Congregation: records of sisters and candidates, minutes from the meetings of the Provincial Council, lists of superiors and assistants, personal files of the dead sisters, posthumous memories and obituaries. Particular attention has been paid to statistical and reporting materials that can be used to develop topics related to the activities of the Congregation, as they show the number of particular groups to whom the Daughters of Divine Love directed their activities. 


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