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Vol. 125 (2016): Our Past


Textual and manuscript tradition of St Stephen's legend

  • Ryszard Grzesik
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2016-06-30


The ruler-holiness is a phenomenon of the medieval Christianity. Especially Hun-gary developed such kind of the Kingdom patrons, while the idea of the beata stirps (the blessed dynasty) occurred in the 13th century. Three members of the Arpadian dynasty were canonized in the 11th and 12th centuries: St Stephen, his son St Em-merich and St Ladislas. In my paper, I study the hagiography of the first Hungarian King, St Stephen (Szt. István). Three of his life descriptions called Legendae were written for his canonization in 1083 and close after, at the beginning of the 12th cen-tury. It was Legenda maior, Legenda minor and Legenda composed by the Bishop of Győr Hartvich, who at the beginning of the second decennial of the 12th century combined the texts of both earlier Legends. While both first Legends lost their popu-larity after about a century (3 manuscripts from the turn of the 12th and 13th century and only one from the 15th century remained until the present time), Legenda Hartvici was very popular during the whole Middle Ages and Modern Time and was pro-claimed as an official liturgical text by Pope Innocent III in 1201. Therefore I concentrate on its manuscript tradition. There are two early codices where the Legend text was written. One of them is the Code of the Budapest Széchényi Library, No. 17, which is in fact a compilation of two parts. One of them is a Legendary connected to the Augsburgian Church and written somewhere in the 13th century. The second part is the Hartvich Legend, written probably in the 12th century yet with a very conservative Carolingian minuscule. This Code was a basis for a greater number of the critical editions in the modern historiography. However, a more detailed analysis shows that this text transmission is not perfect, especially, as it contains huge interpolations from Legenda maior. Such fragments as duplication of information about the monastery foundation at the St Martin’s Mount (now Pannonhalma) or about St Ladislas’ deci-sion of St King’s relics’ elevation proves that it were interpolations, which did not find their place in the Hartvich’s original. 



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