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Vol. 128 (2017): Nasza Przeszłość


“Iam seges est ubi Troia fuit”. Inscriptions from the no longer existing hall of the Cistercian monastery in Bledzew

  • Bożena Grabowska
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2017-12-30


The article presents a document from the collection of the State Archive in Poznan. It is a response of the Prior of Bledzew, Fr. Jan Nepomucen Kalaciński and three other professors to a questionnaire sent by the Consistory of Poznan on July 3rd, 1828 with questions about the number of holy masses and other services conducted in the Cistercian parishes as well as about the contents of inscriptions in church buildings. The response contains a description of one of the monastery halls decorated with paintings and inscriptions. From the contents of the inscriptions it follows that they were made in consequence of ceremonious celebrations of the 600th anniversary of founding the Cistercian rule in 1699. The paintings were supposedly made after 1776, probably by painter Jan Seifrit (Szyfert), whose name was recorded in the account book of the monastery. The finding is all the more valuable that the monastery in Bledzew no longer exists. It was dismantled in 1843 and there is no information about its interior design. The described manuscript informs about the stages of the monastery’s construction, people who contributed to its erection and describes one of its most important halls.


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