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Vol. 129 (2018): Nasza Przeszłość


Marian Sodalice of female students of I high school of A. Mickiewicz in Lviv run by Fr. Teofil Tyrankiewicz

  • Piotr Kamiński
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2018-06-30


The aim of this paper is to pay attention to the activity of a catholic organization which is a bit forgotten today, but was extremely famous by the name of Marian Sodalice. A society founded in XVI century pursued following objectives: spreading Marial cult and piety, self-perfecting and apostolic labor in one’s environment. The Sodalice operated at first only among pupils of Jesuits’ colleges, but with the passage of time embraced people of all strata and environments. Its members were both craftsmen, clerks, teachers as well as kings, magnates and noblemen. By intense apostolic labor the Sodalice amply contributed to spreading and defending Christian faith and to raising society’s moral and material level. In this paper, a Marian Sodalice was examined which was active at the Educational and Didactic Department of Olga Żychowiczowa nee Filippi in Lviv and later on (1926-1949) in Cracow. The organization left behind many documents, which allowed to evaluate its structure, human resources and problems which arose during its activity. It operated in three different periods of Polish history: inter-war, WWII and the outset of PPR. Such circumstances made it necessary to change its modus operandi and adapt to the new socio-political situation.


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