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Vol. 118 (2012): Our Past


The fate of the Greek Catholic temple in the Przemyśl diocese in the People's Republic of Poland

  • Sabina Bober
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2012-12-30


In pre-war Poland, the Greek Catholic Church had three dioceses belonging to the Greek Catholic church province of Lviv. One of these dioceses was the diocese of Przemyśl. In The II. Reich until the creation of an independent state of Ukraine, the Greek Catholic Church enjoyed almost unlimited freedom. After the territory was occupied by the Soviet Union in 1944, all activities of this church were interrupted. Convened in March 1946 by order of the Soviet authorities, the Lviv Synod decided to forcibly unite the Greek Catholic Church with the Orthodox Church, and the opposing Greek Catholic bishops and clergy were persecuted or imprisoned. In post-war Poland, the Greek Catholic Church was successfully paralyzed without any legal action, abolishing church administration, institutions and property. Currently, Greek Catholic churches in the Latin rite of Przemyśl were recognized as state property and often found secular use, inappropriate for church buildings. Although Przemyśl bishops used a number of former Greek Catholic churches for the purposes of Latin worship, the state authorities prevented them from incorporating most of the churches, and about 109 churches remained state-owned and mostly fell into disrepair. This state of affairs lasted until 1989, when the Greek Catholic Church was legally re-established.


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